STEP-Geneva Past Events
Luncheon meeting have been held in Geneva most months addressed by experts in the many areas of interest to trust and estate professionals
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 - at the Warwick Hotel (Geneva)
Read MoreTopic: Litigation funding from a Swiss and trust perspective
Speakers: Ella Zimmermann, Manager at Swiss Legal Finance
Akram Ojjeh, Chairman at Swiss Legal Finance
Topic: Business and human rights: tips on how to navigate this emerging area of law.
Speaker: Clàudia Baró Huelmo- Associate, Dispute Resolution at Withers.
Topic: Blessings from on high: A practical guide to trustee decision making and blessing applications.
Speakers: : Justin Briggs – Partner and Caroline Emslie- Senior Associate at Burges Salmon.
2 day training course.
The course is designed to provide practical instruction for persons working in the banking, financial, trust and fiduciary sectors in Switzerland. It will be of interest to people with relatively little or no experience of trusts, who wish to gain a more comprehensive knowledge of the subject. It will also be of interest to those who have become involved with trusts in some capacity, perhaps as a protector or in a family office.
The course will be run by experienced STEP members who will concentrate on the practical aspects of trust formation and administration and related estate planning issues. Comprehensive documentation will be supplied and there will be plenty of opportunity for participants to interact with the trainers and each other. The language of the course will be English but questions and answers may also be in French.
Topic: US Transparency Legislation and Related Issues
Speakers: Elliott Murray (CH) and Dani (Danilo) Santucci (US) from Baker & McKenzie and Ropes & Gray LLP
Topic: Trusts Taxation in Italy: turning point of a new season
Speaker: Raul-Angelo Papotti – Partner, Head of Chiomenti Tax Department with particular emphasis on international tax law.
Topic: Unit-Linked Life Insurance for Latin American Clients
Speaker: Pablo Peciña, Associate Director Wealth Planning, Lombard International Assurance S.A.
Description: The sanitary and economic crisis, and the many elections occurred in the region in 2021, have led to public debate in many countries around changing tax systems and introducing succession taxes, wealth taxes, etc. Wealthy clients in the region seek stable solutions which can deal both with these new challenges and the many other wealth planning needs these clients traditionally have. The speaker will go through some solutions built around unit-linked life assurance in other parts of the world where these changes have already been implemented in the past and will analyse how this experience might prove useful for LatAm clients.
Topic: Important new trust and estate legislation in the British Virgin Islands.
Speaker: Christopher McKenzie – the partner who heads up O’Neal Webster’s BVI trusts and estates team from its London office and was the founding chair of STEP in the BVI.
Topic: The Economic Substance Rules – Where Are We Now?
Speaker: Ian Perrett – Owner of the Law Office of Ian Perrett.
Speakers: Jeremy Robertson- Partner and Alfred Liu – a Senior Associate in the Private Client team at Forsters LLP
Topic: Insolvent Trusts
1. Jeremy Wessels is a Partner at Mourant Ozannes (Guernsey) ,
2. Justin Harvey-Hills is a Partner in the Jersey litigation and dispute resolution practice of Mourant Ozannes (Jersey) LLP
For the registration, please send an email:
email us
Topic: “Beneficial ownership registers: An update as to the status of beneficial ownership registers in each of the BVI, Cayman Islands, Jersey and Guernsey. Who’s in and who’s out? What is available already, to whom and how? When will these registers be publicly available?”
1. Dave Sherwin – Partner at Ogier (Cayman Islands),
2. Simon Schilder – Partner at Ogier (BVI),
3. Katherine Neal -Counsel at Ogier (Jersey),
4. Chris Hards – Managing Associate at Ogier(Guernsey).
Topic: “UBO REGISTERS UNDER THE EU 5TH AML DIRECTIVE – General principles and their application in some selected Member States.
Speaker: Mr.Paolo Panico, Law Chambers, Private Trustees SA.
Topic: “Public Registers of Beneficial Ownership – Here to Stay?”
This conference forms part of a series. The next conferences in the series will be “UBO Registers – EU Jurisdictions”, which will take place on May 20th, 2021, and “UBO Registers – Jersey, Guernsey, Cayman Islands and BVI”, which will take place on June 10th, 2021.
Speaker: Filippo Noseda is a Partner at Mishcon de Reya in London
Topic: Providing Private Wealth/Trust Services to Chinese Families: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges
Sujet: Comment aligner philanthropie et gouvernance familiale?”
Conférenciere: Delphine Bottge (Avocate au Barreau de Genève Academic Fellow – Center for Philanthropy – Université de Genève)
Topic: Cross-border estate settlement with UK interests
Speaker: Edward Reed – Partner at Macfarlanes LLP.
Topic: Cross-Border Estate Settlement with US Interests
Speaker: Paula Jones – Paula M. Jones Law Offices, Inc.
Topic: Trustee Investment Complaints and Litigation – A selection of Case Studies.
Speaker: James Day, Peritus Investment Consultancy
Topic: Automatic Exchange of Information in Switzerland: Recent Developments and Frequently Asked Questions by Swiss Trustees.
Speakers: Ksenia Iliyash – Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd and Nicholas Pell – Partner at Rhone Trust.
Topic: UAE Foundations in practice
Speaker: Yann Mrazek – Managing Partner at M/HQ
Topic: Echange automatique de renseignements en Suisse: nouveautés et protection individuelle.
Speaker: Ksenia Iliyash – Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
Topic: Recent Developments in Offshore Trust Law
Speakers: Edward Devenport (Partner) and Fred Milner (Counsel) from Mourant Ozannes
Topic: U.S. beneficiaries of Foreign Trusts
Speaker: Maria-Soledad Otero – Partner of Karlin & Peebles LLP
Welcome to all our current STEP students and those considering enhancing your professional qualifications with STEP in Geneva. We may be pursuing different careers, sitting at different levels and embarking on different routes, but we are united in our end goal of achieving career development with STEP. As we become increasingly familiar with the ‘new-normal’ world, it can easy to forget that there are a network of others pursing the same pathway. We are therefore hosting an informal Q&A and Connection Session for all our students to touch base with one another, say hello and discuss the impact our qualification routes can have on career progression. Whether you are on your first exam or your tenth, or considering a different route, drop by on Tuesday 15 September for our ‘meet and greet’ session (online, on Zoom) to introduce yourself to the network and to our Committee Members, and ask any questions you may have on career development with STEP
Topic: Recoveries in markets and economies.
Speaker: Philip Shaw – Chief Economist of Investec Bank plc
Topic: Substance requirements – Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman and the BVI.
Speaker: Chris Hards (Guernsey) , Emily Haithwaite (Jersey), Fraser Allister (Cayman) and Simon Schilder (the BVI) of Ogier LLP
Topic: Dealing with the issues that cause sleepless nights
Speaker: Lisa Cornwell – Director in PWC-Zurich
Topic: French blacklist development
Speaker: Alain Moreau – Partner (FBT Avocats SA.
This event was ONLINE, all participants have received the link to join the conference.
Topic “Substance requirements – BVI, Luxembourg and Jersey” is pushed back to later date due to (i) breaking news – entry in force of new FR regime on 1st April and
(ii) substance legislation not yet finalized in all jurisdictions.
Topic: Le holding d’héritiers avec les nouvelles règles fiscales applicables dès le 1.1.20
Speaker: Mr. Nicolas Merlino (Associé, Avocat- Poncet Turrettini)
Topic: Swiss developments on trusts and stepping down.
Speaker: David W. Wilson-Partner in Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
For booking please go to website:
Topic: : Changes to the taxation of UK real property
Speaker: Mr. Jeremy Robertson (Senior Associate) and Mrs. Kelly Noel-Smith (Partner)-Forsters LLP
An Introduction to Trust
Hotel Metropole (the course for 2 days)
Topic: L’appréhension des trusts en droit fiscal français : éclairage sur les obligations déclaratives des trustees.
Speakers: Me Benoît Philippart (Avocat Associé) et Me Nicolas Cys (Avocat Associé ) – La Tour International Sàrl
Venue: Hotel Mandarin
Speaker: Mr. Gregory Perdon
Topic: A day in the life of a CIO
Topic: Swiss Data Protection – new developments
Speaker: Roland Mathys ( Partner / Attorney at Law – Schellenberg Wittmer)
Topic: Financial Services Act and Financial Institutions Act (LSFin & LEFin)
Speaker: Leonard Vijverberg – Lenz & Staehelin
Topic: Trustees and AML: Current practice and regulatory developments.
Speaker: Me Taulant Avdija (BDO SA – department Regulatory & Compliance
Topic: Transmission d’une trust company: valorisation, vente, succession.
Speaker: Edgard Brandt
Topic: Modification de La Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé en vue de l’harmonisation du droit suisse avec le Règlement européen en matière de succession
Speaker: Florence Guillaume (Professeure)
Speaker: Andrew McCallum
Topic: New Zealand trust case law: how to use it.
Speaker: Geoffrey Cone
Topic: EU substance requirements on companies based in the British Overseas Territories (including the Cayman and British Virgin Islands) and Crown Dependencies (including Jersey and Guernsey)
Speaker: Mr. Ian Perrett (Partner / Withers LLP)
Topic: Reconciling trustee obligations and GDPR
Speakers: Deborah Pennington and Alan Baker
Alpine Conference – Interlaken
Topic: UK trust registers
Speaker: Fillipo Noseda
An Introduction to Trusts
Event: Trust Accounting and Auditing
Speaker: Andrew McCallum
Topic: Data hacking- Risks specific to professional services companies. Lessons learned from the Panama and Paradise papers.
Topic: The regulation of trustees: a comparison with Guernsey and the BVI
Speakers: Rashid Bahar and Marcus Leese
Speaker: Nicholas Hochstadter
Topic: Transparency, what do client expect ?
Topic: Art in trust . pratical and legal issues
Speakers: Richard Bagnall-Smith and Willem-Joost de Gier
Topic: Jurisprudence genevoise en matière de trusts.
Speaker: Sophie Thorens-Aladjem
Topic: Successions et régimes matrimoniaux suite aux nouveaux règlements européens
Speaker: Me Nathalie Thevenet-Grospiron (Notary)
Topic: Regulation of Trustees in Switzwerlandbr /> Speaker: Fabianne De Vos Burchart
Topic: Italian non-dom regime. One year of experiencebr /> Speaker: Luigi Belluzzo
Alpine conference – Interlaken
Topic: Jersey and Guernsey structures: technical issues and practical guidancebr /> Speaker: Fred Milner
Speaker: Rasmus Ankersen
Topic: Hunger in Paradise
Venue: Hotel Mandarin
Topic. The new Swiss equivalent to living willsbr /> Speaker: Professeur Audrey Leuba
Topic: Golden Visa Program associated with a special tax regime for foreigners in Portugal
Speaker: Bruno Santiago
Topic: Planning for an American-Swiss succession: tax and legal aspects
Speaker: Jay Rubinstein
Topic: Aliyah, Pre-Immigration Planning, Tax, Trusts and Succession under Israeli Law
Speaker: Daniel Paserman
Topic: Anglo-Swiss pre-nuptial agreements
Speaker: Nicholas Bennett
Topic: Avant-projet de révision du droit des successions
Speaker: Alexandre Brodard
Event: Trust accounting and auditing
Speaker: Andrew McCallum
Venue: Hotel Métropole
Topic: Consequences of CRS when structuring wealth for Latin American clients.
Speaker: Pablo Pecina.
Topic: Estate planning for expatriates in Dubai
Speaker: Yann Mrazek
An Introduction to Trusts
Topic: CRS
Speakers: Nicholas Pell, Stefano Lembo and David Wilson
Speaker: Nigel Farage
Topic: Brexit
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Geneva
Topic: Removing troublesome trustees and protectors
Speaker: Richard Manyon
Sponsored by ThatcherMackenzie Executive Recruitement
Topic: Digital legacy and planning
Speaker: Nicolas Capt
Topic: Spanish CRS, tax and legislative novelties.
Speaker: Sonia Velasco